Wednesday, November 14, 2012

For this week of class, we played another round of the settler of Catan. This time, every players were familiar with the game since it was our second time playing the game. It was clear for every one of us where to put our settlement to almost monopoly certain resources.
For the group discussion, we basically worked on figuring out about the movement in the game. We were not trying to use dice for the movement since it will depend on the lucks of the players. Thus, we came up with movement cards (1 through 6). Each player will have 6 movement cards that will have certain number. When using the movement card, only one can  be used at a time unless specified by the action card. Also, the player cannot use the same card twice until he/she cycles through every movement card.
For our out-class work, we basically planning on to come up with action cards and the rough sketch of the board. Action cards will most likely to enhance the movement in each turn and the sketch will provide better understanding of the game.

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